Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week 10 comment on Podcasting in the Classroom

This was one of my favorite articles because it seems like podcasting in classrooms is relatively new in comparison to other mediums used.  I found it so interesting to read the varying on opinions on educators/professionals in using podcasts for educational purposes.  I also found it intriguing on how the authors documented students’ reactions to learning in using podcasts.  For example, they mention that when students listen to podcast as an assignment they felt compelled to be ready to take notes or become more of an active listener.  This is opposed to how we as people tend to listen to music for example, it is mostly in the background and we are not active listeners.  I don’t know if I necessarily agree, I think there are just too many variables involved.  For example, what about a student studying for a biology exam and what is she prefers to listen to MP3s posted by the author team during a workout session or a long drive home.
            My husband for example loves to listen to books on tape (most purchased from iTunes).  He is definitely an auditory learner.  He is a musician an often can memorize melodies to songs on the first listen… so I assume this is why enjoys listening to books.  I, on the other, hand need to write things down and read them to remember them – very kinesthetic learner, so I need to read to adequately process information.  I think having a podcast is just another method that is available to use in the classroom.  Very interesting article!

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