Saturday, November 5, 2011

Assignment week 11 - How to use Podcast on the Classroom

I never thought that I would be able to really make use of Podcasts in the classroom.  However, after doing some research and looking at how other teachers could use Podcasts in the classroom it would be a great and flexible tool.  I personally would like to create Podcasts and publish them online so that students would be able to read along with certain reading assignments.  Also, for a new practice tool the students can go online and select a story to read.  They can also work with their parents on maybe reading some “extra” and additional stories. 
Another use that I find great is for the “GT” or advanced students.  Often times it is difficult to find additional resources for them.  However one podcast I would select would be the video podcasts from Khan Academy:

He has created several free video podcasts for students for several topics.  These are great and extraordinarily easy to understand.  So the content on these really depends on the grade level and type of student for example I chose Arithmetic for those students in the K-2 level.  However these tools can be chosen by each individual teacher based on the skill set.  These tools can also be shown and demonstrated in class as well.   A teacher could also then post these to a classroom website so students can access these at home.  Wouldn’t it be great if the student could view this on the weekend if he/she were stuck on a certain subject. 
            Parent involvement can also be a supplemental tool.  Perhaps sending a list of great teaching websites, podcasts home regarding any major subject you are teaching for a certain week.  As teachers sometimes we do get those students that struggle and using this method of communication might even be a great tool for a visual learner, or they can just practice more at home!   These ideas are just the beginning….

1 comment:

  1. Yes, great idea for GT students.
    Your link to Khan Academy; I was at Martin Tire today and for the first time heard of this site. Mr. Khan has degrees (3 or 4) from ivy league schools!
